Bell Ringing


We ring regularly before 1045 gathered worship on Sundays, and you can learn to ring with us on monday evenings from 7 to 9 pm, start now in time to ring for the King.


Please follow us on our Facebook page


"We are a happy bunch of bell ringers who ring between the Sunday morning worship services. This is viewed as a significant ministry of the church, calling people to worship in Joy. In addition we ring for a number of weddings and funerals during the year.


If you or a friend want to know more about bell ringing why not arange to come up and have a look at what is involved.


Alvaston is a training tower and full training is available for novices, at our Monday night practice sessions from 7pm until 9pm. visit bellringers page to find out more about bellringing in Alvaston Parish Church

Page last updated: Tuesday 28th March 2023 10:18 AM
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